Sunday 21 October 2007

Escapade to Barcelona

Thursday night I came back from work, switched on my laptop and checked my email to see if there were any news about my house hunting. I found out that I had won a return flight to any vueling destination for the week end. So I decided to organize a last minute escapade to Barcelona to see my friends Steve and Eoin. I booked the flight for Friday and only when I received the confirmation email I realized that I had booked the 6am flight! I tried to change it but it would have cost me €100. So I decided that I had to accept the consequences of my mistake. That meant that I didn't go to bed on Thursday night. Went to see my friend Ashley in La Latina, and then took the taxi to the airport. So it was a photo opportunity for the new Terminal of Barajas airport! It was 3am when I got there. The boarding time was 5.30am.
So got to BCN, went to Steve and Eoin's place and spent the next 4 hours sleeping. On Friday evening we went for dinner and on to a gay club called Metro. Where the drinking got a bit out of hand... Hey but what the hell, not every week end I am in Barcelona having a good time with my friends. Anyway I paid the price next day. Infact on Saturday we only had the energy to have a walk to the waterfront and then go back home cook dinner and watch Apocalypso. We were in bed by 10.30.


Anonymous said...

Ciao profuga!
un abbraccio dall'Africa ... da quell'altra profuga sanseverinese!!! ;-)

Anonymous said...

What a life.
Bellissima la foto sei molto seducente.

Quasi quasi ti raggiungo e faccio e mi diverto un po' anch'io
